Breathwork Breakdown Workshop - Jun 23, 2024 at Flow Yoga 3rd Eye
Sunday 1:30-3:30PM

Jun 23, 2024

at 3rd Eye

Jun 23rd, 1:30-3:30PM

Breathwork Breakdown Workshop

Are you the type of person who likes to know the ‘method to the madness’ or the reasons ‘why’ breathwork is beneficial?

Does ‘Restorative Breathwork’ sound appealing but you still don’t quite understand how you could apply it in your daily life?

This workshop has been designed to help you take your practice into your own hands by increasing your understanding of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the Restorative Breathwork method.

Guided by our experienced facilitator, Mandy Kleint, you'll learn how to harness the power of your breath to cultivate inner calm, release tension, and promote holistic well-being. Through a blend of experiential learning and hands-on technique training, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Restorative Breathwork method. Whether you're new to breathwork or seeking to deepen your practice, this workshop offers a supportive environment for exploration and growth.

What is Restorative Breathwork?

It is primarily a tool used to regulate the nervous system. It is a meditative practice developed to move us inward toward more subtle dimensions of awareness. The two-part, circular breath technique gives permission for the mind to relax which then gives way for the body to display what messages lie beneath the surface. With every layer, prepare to uncover deeper aspects of yourself which can lead to feelings of liberation or increased self-realization.

What to Expect:

Detailed explanation of the Restorative Breath technique
How to make the most out of a single breath session
Multiple layers of breath held in a smaller, more intentional container
Community, Connection, and Collaboration

Hands on feedback on your individual:

  • Body tension
  • Breath technique
  • Positioning during breath

How to Prepare:

Arrive with an empty stomach. (Avoid eating 2 hours prior to the workshop)
Bring an intention (an emotion you are currently working with in your day to day life)

Wear loose/comfortable clothing (avoid tight belts or high waisted pants tight around the belly)

What to Bring:

  • Journal & Pen
  • Eye Mask
  • Small Pillow
  • Yoga Mat (available in-studio)
  • Blanket (available in-studio)

Meet your host

Mandy grew up in the Pacific Northwest where long hikes, beach trips & snowboarding days were the norm. She began her breathwork journey in 2019 where she was able to deepen her connection to her body & enhance her connection to self. Mandy’s passion as an instructor is to help others engage their heart, mind and body using a variety of modalities including breath, meditation, sound & movement. Find her on IG: @motivatedmandy.
  • RYT 200
  • ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Breathwork
  • Yoga
  • TRX, Strength
  • HIIT
  • Dance Fitness
  • Myofascial Release Technique

Breathwork Breakdown Workshop

Sunday 1:30-3:30PM

Jun 23, 2024

at 3rd Eye

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