Mary O.

Mary specializes in supporting people and businesses in harmoniously aligning with their true purpose, potential, and power. Her professional adventures have all been founded on promoting healing plants, vibrant healthy living, and an awoken consciousness. Dubbed the “Healthy Eating Guru” for Whole Foods Market, she led their Healthy Eating team in inspiring thousands of people to take charge of their health and happiness.

A graduate of the Power Path School of Shamanism Shamanic Studies program, Mary has completed their advanced practitioner training. She has studied in Mexico with the Wixarika (Huichol people) and in Peru with the Shipibo. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, whose work perpetuates the shamanic wisdom, culture, practice, and traditional ways of life of Indigenous people worldwide.

Mary is also a community leader for Shamanism without Borders, the global response network of shamanic practitioners who tend to traumatic events. She has been a featured speaker at SXSW, at the House of Balance at the World Economic Forum, and at the Society for Shamanic Practice annual conference.

Deeply rooted in the nurturing vibration of Pacha Mama Earth, Mary primarily uses her voice to offer healing and tending. Mary particularly supports people in re-awakening their power and bliss through simple daily practices to deepen their innate love for nature and remember their core connection to all life .

When not espousing the virtues of plants and finding one's joy, Mary can often be found in Austin, Texas, happily singing, dancing to live music, hunting for swimming holes, barefoot gardening, or creatively cooking for her husband and three well-fed children.

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