Corley S.

Corley's Yoga journey began in South Austin more than a decade ago. The practice quickly rooted itself as not only a coping strategy for stress, anxiety, depression, etc. but also a lifestyle approach and a spiritual community.
After practicing yoga in South Austin, Corley moved to China for 5 years to teach English. In her time there, she discovered the spirituality and devotion shared between practices like yoga, tai chi and martial arts in this part of the world. The journey led her to India, where she lived for 1 month and received her certification in Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga with a focus on ancient philosophy and Eastern health approaches.
Her goal is not only to guide students to improve their flexibility and strength, but also to encourage students to extend their yoga beyond the classroom to a way of life. Corley incorporates breathing techniques and stepping stones laid out by ancient yogis for finding inner peace and serenity in a life often dominated by stress and speed.
  • RYT 200
  • Ashtanga
  • Vinyassa
  • Hatha
  • Yin
  • Inversion Workshops
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