Jacob T.

Jake Trigg is a yoga and meditation practitioner for 20+ years, an author, and a father of 2 boys. His creative focus is on ways to encourage loving the full range of feelings. In the Yoga of Joy he shares a novel approach for exploring and releasing emotions in community. His latest children's book The WAE of Emotions teaches both kids and adults a fun and meaningful approach to investigate and express their inner worlds. Ultimately he believes that all emotions are signs pointing the way to joy and love.

Jacob T.s upcoming classes

Jan 30
12 - 1pm

Style: Kundalini yoga class Learn about Kundalini Yoga class style ›

Kundalini Yoga combines movement, meditation, breathwork, sound, and chanting to awaken your unique power, and creativity.This transformative yogic technology is for anyone wanting to feel better, more aligned and move their life in a positive direction. Designed to transform a human into a superhuman, but most importantly - for you to feel better now.

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with Jacob T.
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