Kim D.

Kim is the descendant of a long line of Curanderas who served their communities as midwives, sobanderas, herbalists, and spiritual healers. Following in the footsteps of her abuelas, her practices are rooted in Mesoamerican traditions and Mexica culture. She conducts platicas (heart-centering talk), limpias (cleanses) and uses shamanic methods to facilitate discovery journeys, soul retrievals, soul releases, and healing. She approaches these traditions with respect and authentic intention as she believes we have much to learn from indigenous modalities of care. Kim specializes in shamanic practices and is grateful for the gifts of plant medicine. She is also a published poet and native Texan with over 20 years of combined teaching and facilitation experience. As a life coach, she uses holistic approaches to help individuals grow and strive for their highest good. as a consultant/facilitator, she helps organizations and leaders navigate change, foster belonging, and find joy in their work.

Kim D.s upcoming classes

Feb 15
6 - 8pm

Style: Flow yoga class Learn about Flow Yoga class style ›

Join Kim Denning in a powerful evening for her Intro to Journeying Workshop!The Shamanic Journey is a powerful trance-state meditation practice that can help a person release what doesn’t serve them while gaining clarity on what does.In this session, participants will learn about the shamanic journey trance state and will practice journeying through the sacred heart via methods and philosophies rooted in Mesoamerican traditions. Fundamental concepts include Mayan and Mexican perspectives of the energies of the cardinal directions and the non-ordinary realms. We will also go over establishing spiritual safety and using shamanic breathwork to tone and ground.The night will include but not limited to:~Group connection~Light Breathwork~Drumming and other sound healing tools for journeying~Journaling for reflectionWhile the session will respectfully discuss and incorporate some indigenous spiritual beliefs, this session is non-religious and all beliefs are welcome!Participants are encouraged to bring journals, an open mind & open heart!

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with Kim D.

Kim D.'s upcoming events

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