Natasha H.

Sovereignty Natasha Hornedo is a Psychic Somatic Mystic, Womb Priestess, Tantrika, Educator, Spiritual and Embodiment Guide and LMT, based in Austin, TX.

Her biggest passion in life is supporting others in connecting, actualizing and embodying their Highest Self Potential.

She is especially passionate in supporting those who identify as highly sensitive, Empaths, Neurodivergent/ Autistic / ADHD womxn in reconnecting to their source of power and pleasure.

Sovereignty sees sexuality, creativity and power as intricately interconnected systems and believes with all of her heart and soul that when womxn give themselves permission to reclaim their access to pleasure and power the world will truly know unconditional love and Heaven on Earth.

Natasha has been involved in spiritual and mystical practices for many lifetimes and has been intimately connected to these realms from infancy in her current incarnation.

She was raised as a Pentecostal Christian but found that traditional religions were a bit limiting for her expansive nature.

In this current reality Sovereignty has been a devoted and dedicated student of all things mystical, shamanic and tantric since 2011 when she received her first certification of 200 hour Yoga Training in New York after years of dedicated practice.

She has since continued her professional studies through the physiological lens as an LMT with over 2000 hours of educational courses under her belt since 2014.

In 2020 Natasha received her first formal coaching training through Body Mind Coaching with Laura Wieck and is now certified as of 2022.

The main focus of her work at this time is as a Sexual Sovereignty & Relational Coach and Embodiment guide specializing in supporting highly senstive/ Empaths neurodivergent/ Autistic / ADHD womxn in creating a sense of safety in their nervous system so they can reconnect to their power and fully receive pleasure in all aspects of life.

A major focus of her work is teaching individuals how to connect and cultivate their own unique energy bodies in order to fuel the pathways for new neurological choices to become available and supporting her clients in creating new systems of relating that cultivate safety for all and support the deepest levels of intimacy.

Sovereignty loves supporting individuals in connecting to their unique energy bodies and supporting them in learning to work with their Kundalini Energy (Creative Essence) in ways that honor and enrich the nervous system.

She is currently an active student of the Totality Therapy Program, Sexual Awakening for Women and Bliss Dance at Shakti Shiva Academy, an online educational system based on the work of Shakti Malan PHD. and will be certified in these programs within the next few years.

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