Woytek T.

In my professional career I dedicated quite a bit of time to research on vibrations and wave propagation, not thinking then that this would become relevant in my present interest in the healing effects of sound on human body and energy. Along these interests, I am now a certified Sound Healer, Holographic Sound Healer, and an enthusiast of traditional instruments originating in various ancient cultures. (I am also an Awakening Your Light Body teacher, having explored these spaces for some decades.) In the sound events, often shared with other sound healers, I love combining the meditative focus, sacred geometries and ancestral sound in leading people into relaxation and exploration on the Inner Planes. I also love playing in and for nature.

Woytek T.s upcoming classes

Apr 6
6 - 7:30pm

Style: Yoga yoga class Learn about Yoga Yoga class style ›

In this event, Woytek will guide you towards consciously creating effective, spiritual yet practical intentions. This is based on a number of teachings pertaining to joyful manifestation & receiving!During this event, after a brief introduction to the topic, you will create your intention and put it into material expression by writing, drawing, etc. Then, with assistance of various instruments- gong, crystal bowls, didgeridoo, flute and Tibetan long horn, you will empower your intention with your thoughts and energy, and then absorb the essence of your creation in receiving mode, eventually releasing it to the universe for perfect manifestation!This event is intended for a relatively intimate group within the Moon Room, wherein subdued lighting & resonant acoustics will assist you in deeply focusing in this journey. Spots are limited.~No experience necessary- Just bring your heart, maybe a friend and a journal or something to write in!

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with Woytek T.
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