Lionsgate Quantum Activation - Aug 07, 2024 at Flow Yoga 3rd Eye
Wednesday 8-10:00PM

Aug 07, 2024

at 3rd Eye
Sold Out

Aug 7th, 8-10:00PM

Lionsgate Quantum Activation

Step into the powerful energy of the Lionsgate Portal! This cosmic event peaking on 8:8, is a time when the star Sirius aligns with the Earth, creating a potent energy portal for transformation and manifestation. 

This year, the numerology of 8:8:8 (8/8/2024) amplifies this energy, symbolizing infinity, balance, and abundance, making it an incredibly auspicious time to manifest your deepest desires.

In this workshop you'll experience:

  • Kundalini Movement & Meditation to harness and awaken your kundalini energy and elevate your consciousness.
  • Breathwork to clear blockages and align your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Quantum Attunement to align your energy with the higher frequencies of the universe, opening you to infinite possibilities and potentials.
  • Sound Healing to integrate and embody the powerful energies of the Portal.
  • Grounding Ritual 

Join us on the eve of 8/8/8 to harness the potent energy of the Lionsgate Portal, release what no longer serves you, and step into a higher vibration. 

Come manifest your dreams and align with your highest self during this powerful time of transformation.

Facilitated by: Fiona Emley & Karen Morgan

Meet your host

Originally from the Big Island of Hawaii, Fiona has been on a healing journey of self development and spirituality for over 20 years. Her passion for conscious living, meditation, and healing the mind/body connection has helped her overcome addiction, childhood trauma, anxiety disorders, and more. She attributes Kundalini Yoga to opening the doorway to self love and a spiritual foundation.

In her class, VIBRATE THE COSMOS, Fiona creates a sacred sanctuary to help deepen your intuition and open up channels of cosmic connection. Using a combination of breath work, chanting mantra, and sound healing we relax the nervous system and open the mind to greater insight, clarity, and calm.
When she is not teaching at 3rd Eye Lounge, she is dedicated to her private practice as an EFT Tapping coach, Emotion Code Practitioner & Sound Healer. There she works with clients to resolve trauma patterns, release stress and PTSD, and reconnect them to their TRUTH. Fiona has a gift for intuitively guiding others into their next evolution. Go to to learn more about her work in these multiple modalities.


  • RYT 200


  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Chanting Mantra
  • Sound Baths
  • EFT Tapping


  • Sound Bath
  • Chanting

Lionsgate Quantum Activation

Wednesday 8-10:00PM

Aug 07, 2024

at 3rd Eye

Sold Out

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