Sunday Wellness: Kap Activation - Sep 22, 2024 at Flow Yoga  Westgate
Sunday 6:30-9:30PM

Sep 22, 2024

at Westgate

Sep 22nd, 6:30-9:30PM

Sunday Wellness: Kap Activation


  • In a session, you lie down on a yoga mat, some music is played, the facilitator touches specific energy points on the body.
  • Anything from energetic pulsations, emotional release, catharsis, spontaneous movement, visuals, bliss states, and connection to a higher consciousness can and does happen.
  • The entire process is conscious, and you will have full control of how deep you want to immerse yourself in this experience. You can stop it at any time
    Life changing benefits in between sessions:
    * stronger intuition
    * clarity & sense of purpose
    * nervous system regulation
    * alignment with ones true self
    * ability to manifest true desires
    * shifts in perception of reality
    * releasing limiting beliefs
    * Bliss states and oneness

KAP (kundalini activation process) is a transmission of life force energy and non-dual states of awareness, helping you awaken your innate ability to heal, transform, and evolve.

It is based on the most powerful energy in the human body - kundalini energy - which when awakened, creates profound shifts in consciousness and a rapid restructuring and rewiring of your brain and central nervous system, helping you release stagnant energy, process emotions, and clear limiting beliefs.

What comes is a profound unblocking of your energy centers, a deeper connection to your intuition, and your true self. The real changes in your life occur because of these major internal shifts.

Sam is is a Level 2 KAP Facilitator personally trained by KAP founder Venant Wong to facilitate this modality. There are currently only 400 trained facilitators worldwide, and she is excited to be sharing KAP with the Austin community.


The studio provides yoga mats, blankets and cushions. You are invited to bring anything additional that may assist you in deepening your experience. (eye mask, journal, water)


***Each Sunday Cacao & Connection starts off our event in the lounge from 6:30 to 7:00. Get to know your community by playing Cards for Connection games. We also offer the medicine of Cacao. Both Cacao and Cards help you to open your heart and your mind and get you connected to the people you’ll be attending the event with!

At 7:00pm the event kicks off! Every Sunday curate an event with a special guest and activity that allows you to sample different spiritual modalities and practitioners! You will be guided each week to gain awareness, tools, and experience yourself in different ways to support your growth on your journey.

This event energy exchange is :
General Ticket: FREE $$
Can’t wait to see you there!

Meet your host -

Derek's incredible life journey inspired him to create the Insid3Out community in 2021 from a meditation in the grass at Zilker Park in Austin.

Derek is a Somatic Breathwork Facilitator and also provides mindfulness opportunities in a variety of ways.

Derek's life mission is to impact the hearts and minds of humans globally.

Sunday Wellness: Kap Activation

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