Jan 12, 2025
at GeorgetownJan 12th, 2-4:00PM
Has a yoga teacher ever told you to "make a pose your own" and you had no idea what that meant? Or maybe you've noticed that a familiar pose feels more (or less) comfortable after you've been sitting all day compared to a day when you've been more active? If you answered yes, you're not alone.
This workshop is an introduction to adapting your yoga practice to fit you. Vinyasa is often defined as, “to put or place in a special way.” As your energy (whether physical, mental, or spiritual) and intention may vary in your asana practice, your ‘special placement’ may also change. We will come together to meet ourselves where we are at on the mat!
What to expect:
• Strategies for, and practice with, customizing asanas to make them more challenging and/or accessible.
• Considerations when practicing with common sensitive areas.
• Learn to incorporate props into your practice.
• How modifications may or may not impact the “true” intent of a pose.
• You tell me! When you signup, we will send out a form through email, please submit a specific asana or area of focus you’d like to explore.
What to bring:
• Your yoga mat (or borrow 1 from the studio)
My yoga journey began in 2001. I lived and worked in New York City during September 11th. After that day, I spent weeks resigned to living life in fear. I eventually decided to take back control of what I could, starting with my health. Although my physical health improved, I couldn't move past the feeling of constant fear. Enter yoga.
On a whim, I signed up for a yoga class at my gym and it was exactly what I didn't know I was looking for.
I hope to empower and challenge my students each class. One student's challenge may be to allow themselves to rest in child's pose, being instead of doing; another's might be to try a new pose or modification.
I teach an energetic Flow class that allows students to play, relax, sometimes sweat a bit, and grow.
Jan 12, 2025
at Georgetown