Apr 14, 2025
at 3rd EyeApr 14th, 8-9:30PM
In this sound bath, you’re invited to sink deeply into the heart of the present moment, where all that you are already is. You’ll be gently held through the vibrations of singing bowls, channeled vocals, bells, gong, rattles, shakers, native flute, and guitar, revealing the ever-present now, where life itself hearts you, unconditionally, as you are.
Allow the waves of sound to support you in coming home to your center as you breathe, relax, and allow your awareness to bloom.
There is no journey to be taken, no distance to cross—just an unfolding into the gift of presence. The sounds will guide you to remember that home is not somewhere you go, but where you’ve always been.
Please bring your own yoga mat. Bolsters and blankets will be provided.
No experience needed - all are welcome.
Gregory Alexander is a lifelong vocalist and multi-genre musician—spanning choral, solo, theatrical, sacred, groove-oriented pop, rock, country, and dance. A devotee of the improvised moment, Gregory is also a trained bodywork practitioner, Reiki Master, and Oneness Blessing giver, committed to fostering wholeness wherever possible. Recognized as a “deeply gifted vocalist,” “a magician,” and “the voice of sweet tender love,” he hosts and co-facilitates sound-centered events in sacred spaces, including song ceremonies, seasonal community song rituals, grief rituals, and sound baths.
Apr 14, 2025
at 3rd Eye