Mandy K.

Mandy grew up in the Pacific Northwest where long hikes, beach trips & snowboarding days were the norm. She began her breathwork journey in 2019 where she was able to deepen her connection to her body & enhance her connection to self. Mandy’s passion as an instructor is to help others engage their heart, mind and body using a variety of modalities including breath, meditation, sound & movement. Find her on IG: @motivatedmandy.
  • RYT 200
  • ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Breathwork
  • Yoga
  • TRX, Strength
  • HIIT
  • Dance Fitness
  • Myofascial Release Technique

Mandy K.'s upcoming classes

Jul 29
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-07-29 at 6:30 - 7:45pm
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

Restorative Breathwork is a meditative practice developed to move us inward toward more subtle dimensions of awareness. Breathwork is directly translated into Pranayama. In Sanskrit, Prana means vital energy and Yama means restraint. In this class, we will explore the ebb and flow of your ‘life force energy’. Working with this breath is equally restorative as it is transformative. The circular breath technique gives permission for the mind to relax which then gives way for the body to display what messages lie beneath the surface. With every layer, prepare to uncover deeper aspects of yourself which can lead to feelings of liberation or increased self-realization. Your experience will be different every time you attend and you will always receive exactly what you need. Meditation, sound healing and being held in a peaceful savasana guides and supports the integration process. Come as you are, everyone is welcome.   Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and any other items to make yourself comfortable (pillow, eye mask, etc.)

6:30 - 7:45pm Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-07-29 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.
Jul 30
Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-07-30 at 6:30 - 7:45pm
Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

During this breathwork and sound healing journey, you will be given the opportunity to go inward and connect deeply with yourself using your breath, feeling deeply into any present body sensations. With your breath as your guide, you’ll be invited to release any suppressed emotion, in whatever way your body wants: by moving the body, sighing out loud, crying, laughing, or by simply staying present with the breath. On your back, with eyes closed, you will be led through a series of deep-breathing exercises. The first half of the class will be more rapid breathing, to activate the sympathetic nervous system, and the second half will be more relaxed, with slow breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. You’ll also be led through several breath holds. The breathwork will be synced with music and at certain points the instructor will play additional drums, chimes, and sound bowls to support the experience. Through the cleansing power of the breath, emotions will often come forth to be felt, honored, and then released, leaving you feeling lighter and more connected with yourself and the world around you. This class is a safe container to feel and express any emotions or feelings such as anger, sadness, joy, or anything else that comes up for you. No previous breathwork experience required. Yoga mats, blankets, and eye masks will be provided on a first come, first serve basis (but feel free to bring your own).

6:30 - 7:45pm Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-07-30 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.
Aug 1
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-01 at 6:30 - 7:30pm
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

Restorative Breathwork is a meditative practice developed to move us inward toward more subtle dimensions of awareness. Breathwork is directly translated into Pranayama. In Sanskrit, Prana means vital energy and Yama means restraint. In this class, we will explore the ebb and flow of your ‘life force energy’. Working with this breath is equally restorative as it is transformative. The circular breath technique gives permission for the mind to relax which then gives way for the body to display what messages lie beneath the surface. With every layer, prepare to uncover deeper aspects of yourself which can lead to feelings of liberation or increased self-realization. Your experience will be different every time you attend and you will always receive exactly what you need. Meditation, sound healing and being held in a peaceful savasana guides and supports the integration process. Come as you are, everyone is welcome.   Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and any other items to make yourself comfortable (pillow, eye mask, etc.)

6:30 - 7:30pm Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-01 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.
Aug 5
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-05 at 6:30 - 7:45pm
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

Restorative Breathwork is a meditative practice developed to move us inward toward more subtle dimensions of awareness. Breathwork is directly translated into Pranayama. In Sanskrit, Prana means vital energy and Yama means restraint. In this class, we will explore the ebb and flow of your ‘life force energy’. Working with this breath is equally restorative as it is transformative. The circular breath technique gives permission for the mind to relax which then gives way for the body to display what messages lie beneath the surface. With every layer, prepare to uncover deeper aspects of yourself which can lead to feelings of liberation or increased self-realization. Your experience will be different every time you attend and you will always receive exactly what you need. Meditation, sound healing and being held in a peaceful savasana guides and supports the integration process. Come as you are, everyone is welcome.   Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and any other items to make yourself comfortable (pillow, eye mask, etc.)

6:30 - 7:45pm Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-05 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.
Aug 6
Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-06 at 6:30 - 7:45pm
Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

During this breathwork and sound healing journey, you will be given the opportunity to go inward and connect deeply with yourself using your breath, feeling deeply into any present body sensations. With your breath as your guide, you’ll be invited to release any suppressed emotion, in whatever way your body wants: by moving the body, sighing out loud, crying, laughing, or by simply staying present with the breath. On your back, with eyes closed, you will be led through a series of deep-breathing exercises. The first half of the class will be more rapid breathing, to activate the sympathetic nervous system, and the second half will be more relaxed, with slow breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. You’ll also be led through several breath holds. The breathwork will be synced with music and at certain points the instructor will play additional drums, chimes, and sound bowls to support the experience. Through the cleansing power of the breath, emotions will often come forth to be felt, honored, and then released, leaving you feeling lighter and more connected with yourself and the world around you. This class is a safe container to feel and express any emotions or feelings such as anger, sadness, joy, or anything else that comes up for you. No previous breathwork experience required. Yoga mats, blankets, and eye masks will be provided on a first come, first serve basis (but feel free to bring your own).

6:30 - 7:45pm Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-06 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.
Aug 8
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-08 at 6:30 - 7:30pm
Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing classes near Austin view
Other yoga class

Learn about Other Yoga ›

Restorative Breathwork is a meditative practice developed to move us inward toward more subtle dimensions of awareness. Breathwork is directly translated into Pranayama. In Sanskrit, Prana means vital energy and Yama means restraint. In this class, we will explore the ebb and flow of your ‘life force energy’. Working with this breath is equally restorative as it is transformative. The circular breath technique gives permission for the mind to relax which then gives way for the body to display what messages lie beneath the surface. With every layer, prepare to uncover deeper aspects of yourself which can lead to feelings of liberation or increased self-realization. Your experience will be different every time you attend and you will always receive exactly what you need. Meditation, sound healing and being held in a peaceful savasana guides and supports the integration process. Come as you are, everyone is welcome.   Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and any other items to make yourself comfortable (pillow, eye mask, etc.)

6:30 - 7:30pm Restorative Breathwork & Sound Healing 2024-08-08 at Flow Yoga 3rd-eye
at 3rd Eye
with Mandy K.

Mandy K.'s upcoming events