Planetary Expression Night: Yoga, Dance, and Meditation

Join Tej for a night of connection, movement, and self-exploration!

You'll learn about planetary energies, connect with your body and mind, and express yourself in new ways.

The night will begin with a teaching by Tej about our planetary theme. She will explain the planetary characteristics, and how they affect our lives. After the teaching, we'll do a planetary-themed yoga practice to help you connect with your body and the energies of the planet.
Then, we'll dance to some planetary-themed music to embody the energy of the planet. Finally, we'll meditate to help you connect with your inner-self and the energy of the planet.

This night will be a powerful experience that will help you understand the planetary energies and how they affect your life. This event is open to all levels of experience, so come join us and have some fun!

Meet your host

Tej is a yoga teacher trainer, Vedic Astrologer, sound healer, and event presenter. She believes that self-awareness and transformation are the most influential benefits of these practices. Ray Withers is a singer/songwriter, percussionist, and a practitioner of yoga and meditation with training in Kundalini. His music and offerings are an invitation from the soul to return to the depths of divinity within.

Both Tej and Ray are passionate about helping others connect with their inner-selves and the divine. They use their unique talents and skills to create a space for healing and transformation.

Planetary Expression Night: Yoga, Dance, and Meditation

Sunday 7-8:30PM

Jan 28, 2024

at Flowmagin

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