The Art Of Microdosing - Sep 14, 2024 at Flow Yoga 3rd Eye
Saturday 3-4:00PM

Sep 14, 2024

at 3rd Eye

Sep 14th, 3-4:00PM

The Art Of Microdosing

Microdosing has emerged as a powerful tool, making its way into the mainstream as a method to enhance almost any area of life—when used with skill and intention. By subtly shifting your neurological pathways, microdosing can help improve your mood, enhance your outlook, and support the positive changes you wish to see in your life.

Are you curious about starting a microdosing practice? Or perhaps you’re already on the path and want to deepen your experience with greater intention?

Join the 3rd Eye community for an engaging and fluid discussion, led by Pritam Tara, on the mindful and responsible use of microdosing sacred plant medicines, including legal options. Explore the recognized benefits and potential risks, the vital importance of set and setting, and discover holistic tools to optimize your microdosing journey. 

To enhance the experience, a heart-opening cacao and Kanna microdose will be offered.

Meet your host -

Kundalini Yoga is a technology for transformation and elevation. In Pritam Tara’s classes, you'll practice potent sets of yoga asana and rhythmic breathwork to open your channels, balance your chakras, and let your energy flow. Mantra and visualization are layered in to reprogram the subconscious mind as you envision the bright future you are manifesting. An extended healing sound bath will close the experience to allow you to fully integrate the upgrades. Come to uplift your mood, connect with your heart, and open your 3rd eye.

Pritam Tara
Pritam Tara passionately practices the intentional and safe use of kundalini yoga, meditation, and conscious lifestyle practices, as a microdosing and holistic health mentor. She has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga for more than a decade. She embodies the practice and encourages others to develop their own relationship with the teachings and the intense mind, body, spirit connection it offers.


  • RYT 200


  • Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
  • Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing
  • Breathwork & Sound Healing

The Art Of Microdosing

Saturday 3-4:00PM

Sep 14, 2024

at 3rd Eye

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