Claire L.

Claire discovered yoga at a very young age as her middle school offered a yoga class a couple times within a year. She always remembered feeling lighter and more peaceful through out the days she participated in class. After many years without a practice, she rediscovered yoga as a way to find movement in her body but discovered so much more. Claire primarily practices Vinyasa and Yin yoga and began to fully dedicate her self to her practice as a student. Claire challenges herself to try new and difficult things and fully immerses herself in a meditation practice which has helped her live more mindfully with presence.
After years of a consistent yoga practice at home and in a studio, Claire wanted to deepen her understanding of the philosophy of yoga and learn to share her passion with others. Claire graduated from a 200 hr Vinyasa teacher training in early 2024 and has made some major life changes to be able to share her love of yoga with others in hopes that her students are able to embrace each day with an open heart and an open mind. Claires approach to teaching is focused on the balance between strength and flexibility, as well as exertion and ease. She incorporates dynamic movements to help support each pose, connecting breath to movement.
  • RYT 200
  • Other
  • Vinyasa
  • Flow
  • Hatha
  • Yin

Claire L.s upcoming classes

Sep 18
Flow + Chill yoga class at 4:30 - 5:30pm
Flow + Chill 2024-09-18 at 4:30 - 5:30pm
Flow + Chill yoga class near Cedar Park view
Flow yoga class

Learn about Flow Yoga ›

Yoga means union, and also union of opposites...effort and ease, strength and flexibility. To find balance in the body, we need both movement and stillness. Flow +Chill is a combination class, starting with a slower paced vinyasa, followed by restorative poses (supported by props). We will flow for half of class to warm the body up, then take the second part of class to stretch, release tension and dive into a deeper state of chill.

4:30 - 5:30pm Flow + Chill 2024-09-18 at Flow Yoga georgetown
with Claire L.
Sep 18
Flow yoga class at 7 - 8pm
Flow 2024-09-18 at 7 - 8pm
Flow yoga class near Cedar Park view
Hatha yoga class

Learn about Hatha Yoga ›

This slower-paced flow class allows time to explore the postures while cultivating strength, flexibility, balance, and calm. Yoga poses are linked to the breath to help create body awareness, inner strength and peaceful mind. This class is suitable for all levels, modifications and options are always given to those who are just starting or for those looking to deepen their practice.  

7 - 8pm Flow 2024-09-18 at Flow Yoga georgetown
with Claire L.
Sep 25
Flow + Chill yoga class at 4:30 - 5:30pm
Flow + Chill 2024-09-25 at 4:30 - 5:30pm
Flow + Chill yoga class near Cedar Park view
Flow yoga class

Learn about Flow Yoga ›

Yoga means union, and also union of opposites...effort and ease, strength and flexibility. To find balance in the body, we need both movement and stillness. Flow +Chill is a combination class, starting with a slower paced vinyasa, followed by restorative poses (supported by props). We will flow for half of class to warm the body up, then take the second part of class to stretch, release tension and dive into a deeper state of chill.

4:30 - 5:30pm Flow + Chill 2024-09-25 at Flow Yoga georgetown
with Claire L.
Sep 25
Flow yoga class at 7 - 8pm
Flow 2024-09-25 at 7 - 8pm
Flow yoga class near Cedar Park view
Hatha yoga class

Learn about Hatha Yoga ›

This slower-paced flow class allows time to explore the postures while cultivating strength, flexibility, balance, and calm. Yoga poses are linked to the breath to help create body awareness, inner strength and peaceful mind. This class is suitable for all levels, modifications and options are always given to those who are just starting or for those looking to deepen their practice.  

7 - 8pm Flow 2024-09-25 at Flow Yoga georgetown
with Claire L.