Sep 8th, 6:30-9:00PM

Sunday Wellness: Holographic Sound Healing




Maddie’s holographic sound meditations are one-of-a-kind experiences.

Using holographic sound, a multidimensional healing modality, along with reiki and energy healing, she skillfully guides the group into a potent healing portal.  

After setting intentions, maddie creates a hologram of healing light surrounding and protecting the group and then takes you into a journey of sound. Each meditation is unique, with maddie using her voice and crystal bowl to bring in the energies, vibrations and intuitive messages she receives.

The intention is to help assist your body in remembering and activating its self-healing capabilities and to align you to your greatest and highest good and desires with ease and grace.

Maddie’s voice is soothing and relaxing, allowing you to leave your worries behind and offering you a gentle opportunity to surrender to sound.

The studio provides yoga mats, blankets and cushions. You are invited to bring anything additional that may assist you in deepening your experience. (eye mask, journal, water)

***Each Sunday Cacao & Connection starts off our event in the lounge from 6:30 to 7:00. Get to know your community by playing Cards for Connection games. We also offer the medicine of Cacao. Both Cacao and Cards help you to open your heart and your mind and get you connected to the people you’ll be attending the event with!

At 7:00pm the event kicks off! Every Sunday curate an event with a special guest and activity that allows you to sample different spiritual modalities and practitioners! You will be guided each week to gain awareness, tools, and experience yourself in different ways to support your growth on your journey.

This event energy exchange is :
General Ticket: FREE $$
Can’t wait to see you there!

We love you,

Derek & the Insid3out Team


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ATX Community Events

Join us THIS Sunday, and together, let’s bring back the vibes!

Meet your host -

Derek's incredible life journey inspired him to create the Insid3Out community in 2021 from a meditation in the grass at Zilker Park in Austin.

Derek is a Somatic Breathwork Facilitator and also provides mindfulness opportunities in a variety of ways.

Derek's life mission is to impact the hearts and minds of humans globally.

Sunday Wellness: Holographic Sound Healing

Sunday 6:30-9:00PM

Sep 08, 2024

at Westgate

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