Mar 09, 2025
at WestgateMar 9th, 7-9:00PM
Come together with your Flow Yoga community for a respite from the cacophony around us and a moment of presence.
The Waxing Moon in Cancer may bevmaking us extra sensitive to our surroundings, causing us sometimes to separate from the world and drop into passivity. Instead, let’s gather the creative energies of the Pisces Sun to imagine and manifest how we will move forward through the chaos of the world. As we move toward the re-balancing time of the Spring Equinox, we can clear obstacles in our parh with resilience and grace.
Join Zagreus (Zag) Wolf for easy asana, meditation, mantra, sharing, and sound to ground, connect, and create. Bring comfy clothes that feel amazing and any items to charge with our collected energy to take with you.
Alexander is a Reiki Master, Somatic Breathwork Practitioner, Sound Healer and a Transformational Soul Coach. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Alexander went on a journey to heal from his Crohn's Disease, and deal with crippling anxiety and depression. The universe brought Alexander to learn and study the wonders of Breathwork, Reiki Energy, Consciousness, Sound, and Shamanism, in places like Scotland, Alabama, New York, Ohio and Costa Rica. Now he brings his gifts to Austin to lift and expand humanity in more healing, fun, explorative, deep, and transformative ways.
Mar 09, 2025
at Westgate