200hr Yoga Teacher Training - Jul 12, 2024 - Flow Yoga

Yoga Teacher Training: 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

The most well rounded training in Austin

Jul 12, 2024

Welcome to the next big leap into your personal transformation!

Our 200hr Yoga Teacher Training will provide you with the knowledge and tools to deepen your practice, and learn to teach yoga classes that are helpful, authentic, creative and inspiring. This training weaves together the core teachings of the Yoga Sutras, the evolution of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, modern day Anatomy and Functional Movement, and the value of Heart based Leadership to develop teachers who can confidently hold space for their students throughout their Yoga journey.

Created in partnership with an experienced instructional designer, we crafted our program to put the student first, and our intention is to nourish your love for yoga, while also setting a strong, educational foundation to further your yoga career and practice. It's #YogaForYall, y'all.

The training runs from:

Jul 12 - Nov 12, 2024

See schedule belowSign up

What you'll learn in this yoga teacher training

Our signature Yoga Teacher Training allows you to connect with a community of like-minded yogis to enhance your passion, dive deeper into personal growth and reach a broader range of students. 

This Training is both for those wanting to dive deeper into their Yoga practice, as well as those excited to share the practice and guide others. You don't need to be flexible or be able to hold fancy poses to participate - come one, come all! In this community based learning environment, you'll get an opportunity to collaborate with others and receive love and support from this shared, sacred, safe place.

History & Philosophy

Yoga is an ancient practice with a long, compelling history. As a teacher, it's important to know what you are teaching and understand where it comes from. The foundation of our program rests in the 8 Limbed Path, and the teachings of the Yoga Sutras. We'll dive deep into the history of Yoga's evolution, from its origins in the East, to its modern manifestation here in the West, and how we use these ancient teachings to address our real life in modern times.

Poses & Practical Anatomy

Yoga Asana (postures) become accessible when we have a basic understanding of how the human body works. Our program takes a common sense approach to learning basic human anatomy, so you can truly embody the intentions behind each pose, and empower others to do the same. You'll develop the skills to be a helpful and inclusive teacher, by first learning how to curate your own Yoga practice.

Teaching Skills

Learn the intuitive art of Adaptive Sequencing and how to lead an effective and inspiring Yoga practice. We'll introduce you to the basics of how to lead group classes and private sessions in styles like Hatha and Vinyasa Flow, as well as foundational tools for Yin, Restorative, and Prenatal Yoga. You'll also get an opportunity to deepen your own mental well-being by learning to practice, and teach, key meditation and pranayama techniques.

Yoga Teacher Training Topics

History & Philosophy of Yoga

Functional Anatomy & the Nervous System

Sequencing & Class Planning

Principles of Trauma Informed Teaching

Subtle Body Anatomy of Chakras and Koshas

Introduction to Ayurveda

Yoga Sutras

Intro to Yin, Restorative, and Prenatal Yoga

Ethics & Business of Yoga

Meditation & Breathwork Techniques

The Art of Assisting & Hands on Adjustments

Practice Teaching & Feedback

Vision & Goals

The Language of Yoga and the Art of Cueing

Yoga and the Four Agreements

Accessible Yoga and Using Props

Your guides on this yoga retreat

Yoga teacher training host Theresa W. at Flow Yoga

Theresa W.

A Native Texan, Theresa has trained and mentored Yoga Teachers in communities all across the state. Her diverse background in Vinyasa styles, and values centered approach to leadership provides a learning environment that empowers teachers to lead courageously from the heart.

Yoga teacher training host Tej A. at Flow Yoga

Tej A.

Tej Arvind has a dynamic background of both Kundalini and Hatha yoga. She uses Vedic Astrology to design classes for the energetics of the day and enjoys incorporating yogic techniques such as mudras, mantras, breath work, and meditation. 

Yoga teacher training host Sarah P. at Flow Yoga

Sarah P.

Sarah has dedicated herself to the practice, study and teaching of yoga since discovering its joys and benefits over a decade ago. With countless hours of assisting advanced yoga teacher trainings her passion lies in helping others step into their power and lead authentically on and off the mat.

Yoga teacher training host Angelena S. at Flow Yoga

Angelena S.

Angelena offer tools and yoga practices to hold space yourself, listen to the needs of your body, and stay present throughout constant change. Her classes are focused on alignment for bodies in the room, breath techniques, and self-awareness. Expect to try something different, move through dynamic postures, and find grounding in your body. 

Yoga Teacher Training Location

The training is in-person at Westgate. From Jul 12 - Nov 12, 2024

Trusted in Austin for over 13 years

Fitt award for Flow Yoga
Women in Business award for Flow Yoga
Ethics award for Flow Yoga
THA award for Flow Yoga
Expertise award for Flow Yoga

Yoga Teacher Training Schedule

March 2024


Jul 12-24

Opening Ceremony, Orientation, and Intro to Yoga

Aug 2-4

MASTER CLASS on Standing Postures and Forward Bends, Introduction to Functional Anatomy and Physiology

Aug 23-24

MASTER CLASS on Twists & Backbends, the Art of Sequencing and Class Planning

Sep 13-15

MASTER CLASS on Hip Openers & Binds, the Art of Cueing, and Trauma Informed Teaching

Oct 4-6

MASTER CLASS on Inversions & Arm Balances, the Art of Assisting and Hands on Adjustments

Oct 25-27

MASTER CLASS on Yin & Restorative Postures, Ethics & Yoga Business, Vision & Goals

Nov 9 & 10

Half Days for Final Presentations [1:30-4:30p]

Start your journey

*Payment Plans will be arranged to be completed before the end of the program

*$500 non-refundable deposit is included in the Full Payment


Yes. After completing the course you will have the option to be included in the Yoga Alliance registry of teachers. Registering with Yoga Alliance is optional and not required to be a yoga teacher.

To receive your teaching certificate you must complete 100% of the program to comply with the Yoga Alliance requirements. Up to 30 hours of class time is acceptable to miss, but make up work must be completed to get certified.

July 12 - November 12

Tuesday Evenings from 5:30 to 9:30p. We will not meet on Election Day, Nov 5.

Immersion Weekends will meet at the following times:

  • Friday Evening: 6-9pm
  • Saturday/Sunday: 9am - 4:30pm
    • 90 minute lunch from 12-1:30p

Yes. Payment plans are available, but the course must be paid in full by the end of final day of the program. Place your Deposit to enroll and we'll message you to help arrange your payment plan.

If you're considering a Teacher Training program - then you're ready. Congratulations! Every journey begins with a single step, and reading more about our program could be the first step on your individual path. Perhaps you already know that yoga is your passion and that you’re ready to elevate your practice to the next level. You may even be considering taking the leap from yogi enthusiast to yoga professional. Many students come to our program at varying points in their journey, creating a well-rounded and diverse cohort.

Tuition includes a Full Color printed Training Manual. 

The following books will be required to participate but will not be included in your tuition:

  • Inside the Yoga Sutras by Rev. Jaganath Carrera
  • Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long, MD
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz - can be audiobook
  • The Bhagavad Gita, any commentary - can be audiobook

Yes. By successfully completing all of the requirements for our Teacher Training Program you will receive your certificate of completion at the 200-Hour Level. You may also register with the Yoga Alliance as RYT-200, which is the minimum amount studios, gyms, and others look for when hiring yoga teachers.

Yes! Accessible and Affordable Yoga is the cornerstone of our work at Flow Yoga. 

We offer 1 Full Scholarship for BIPOC, and 1 Full Scholarship by application for each session.

We also offer Work Trade opportunities for those looking for partial financial assistance. 

If you are interested in applying for our Scholarship or Work Trade opportunities, please reach out to [email protected]

Yes! The core of our curriculum is first understanding the Yoga practice and how it applies to your personal journey. Your own practice will be your greatest teacher, so we'll dive deep into understanding how to support your own needs and progress, and through that experience you'll gather the tools to take your Yoga practice with you everywhere you go. 

And who knows, you may change your mind and end up teaching your loved ones all about Yoga and it's transformational wisdom :) 

Refunds and Cancellations

$500 Deposit is non-refundable. Cancellations are accepted up to 48 hours prior to the start of the program. Additional payments made beyond the deposit will be fully refunded if cancelled 48hrs or prior. When paid in full, Tuition minus the $500 deposit will be refunded. No refunds will be offered for cancellations after the program has started.

Ready for a yoga retreat?

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