Oct 5th, 6:30-8:00PM

New Moon Sound Bath And Meditation

The New Moon can be a powerful time to set intentions and practice self-inquiry, self-care, and compassion. During this restorative session, we will draw from the practices of yoga nidra and sound healing to support the body to deeply rest. This deep rest state can invite us to travel inwards, exploring what we would like to invite into our lives and what we would like to say "yes" to. We may also gain clarity on what no longer serves us and what aligned action feels best to bring us closer to our dreams.

Bolsters, yoga mats, and blankets will be available at the studio. You are welcome to bring your own pillow, blanket, eye pillow, or anything else that will support you during the meditation. Option to bring a journal or sketchbook to use during reflection time.

Meet your host -

I believe that we are always doing the best we can. That each person has the answers they seek, and I enjoy walking beside them as they explore the path to finding those answers with self-compassion and curiosity. During our time together, we'll often use movement, breath, yoga nidra, and meditative self-inquiry to invite more presence, curiosity, movement, compassion, self-awareness, and creativity into our daily lives. The somatic tools we'll explore are secular, trauma-informed, and designed to help regulate the nervous system, increase proprioception and interoception, and support deep rest.

As a certified iRest Meditation Instructor, I am obsessed with yoga nidra meditation and exploring the depths and heights of our internal landscape. Since 2014 I have worked with thousands of clients in Yoga, Meditation, Personal Growth, Grief Support, Stress and Anxiety, Emotional Healing, and Spiritual Growth. With over 22 years of personal practice, I am grateful for the opportunity to work with others to navigate life's challenges and explore the tools that work best for each individual person.


New Moon Sound Bath And Meditation

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