Flexibility + Mobility at Flow Yoga Cedar Park - March 18, 2024 at 12:00pm - Flow Yoga

Flexibility + Mobility at Flow Yoga Cedar Park
March 18, 2024 from 12-1PM CST
at Flow Yoga Cedar Park

Flexibility + Mobility At Flow Yoga Cedar Park with Carolina B.

One of the most popular yoga myths is the belief that you need to be flexible before ever setting foot on a mat. The truth is, flexibility isn’t a prerequisite. In fact, a regular yoga practice will actually help you become more flexible over time. Increased flexibility can help decrease the risk of injuries, create a better range of motion of joints, lengthen muscles, improve balance and overall health!
Flexibility + mobility is a fun, judgment-free space, suitable for all levels. In this class we will work on different muscle groups and joints each week, using Functional movements, CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations), Kinstretch techniques as well as Myofascial release to improve range of motion and flexibility.

Props such as straps, bolsters, blocks, and tennis balls will be used to target specific areas and help ease your body into the poses and stretches.

Modifications and options will be offered throughout the class.

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Flexibility + Mobility at Flow Yoga Cedar Park
March 18, 2024 from 12-1PM CST
at Flow Yoga Cedar Park


Absolutely! Yoga is like a universal language for your body. It can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels, and can be adapted to meet the needs of each individual. Plus, it's a lot more fun than sitting on the couch all day.

The breath is like the DJ of your yoga practice - it sets the rhythm and keeps everything flowing smoothly. It helps you stay focused, calm, and connected to your body as you move through the poses.

Absolutely! Yoga is like a spa day for your skin. It helps reduce stress, which can improve skin conditions like acne and eczema. Plus, all those twists and turns get your blood flowing, delivering essential nutrients to your skin cells. Just don't forget to wash your yoga mat, or you might end up with a face full of bacteria!

Yoga can help lower high blood pressure like a calming force for your body. It can help reduce stress and improve cardiovascular health, both of which can lower blood pressure. Plus, it's a lot more fun than taking medication every day.

Yoga can help with fatigue like a shot of energy for your body. It can help improve blood flow, increase energy levels, and reduce stress. Plus, it's a lot more fun than drinking a cup of coffee every day.